Photoshop CS5 One-On-One Mastery 教學影集(Photoshop權威名師Deke McClelland講解 大師篇 含練習檔)(DVD9一片裝 此片售價250元)
Lynda.com最新出品的Photoshop CS5 One-on-One:Mastery視頻教學. Photoshop CS5
主講人:Deke McClelland
教學時長:長達20個小時海量教學. 並提供有配套素材檔以供練習提高.
Photoshop CS5 One-on-One: 精通篇是非常受歡迎的該系列教學的第3部分.同時也是該
系列教學最後一部分教學視頻. 加入到Photoshop行業專家和獲獎者Deke McClelland的
教學中來. 探索傳統工具的巨大能力.比如:masking 和 blend modes、delve into Smart
In the all-new Photoshop CS5 One-on-One: Mastery, the third and final
installment of the popular series, join industry expert and award-winning
author Deke McClelland for an in-depth tour of the most powerful and empowering
features of Photoshop CS5. Discover the vast possibilities of traditional tools,
such as masking and blend modes, and then delve into Smart Objects, Photomerge,
as well as the new Puppet Warp, Mixer Brush, and HDR features. Exercise files
accompany the course.
學習該視頻教學前提條件: 已經學習完Photoshop CS5 一對一教學:基礎篇和高級篇.
Recommended prerequisites: Photoshop CS5 One-on-One: Fundamentals and Photoshop
CS5 One-on-One: Advanced.
Using masks and blend modes in radically new ways
Mastering the Pen tool and Paths panel
Transforming and maximizing Smart Objects
Employing Smart Filters to create complex effects
Exploring the capabilities of Bristle brushes and the Mixer Brush
Merging multiple images into seamless panoramas
Exploring the full range of luminance with HDR Pro
Recording actions and batching-processing images