GENUITEC MYECLIPSE FOR SPRING v8.6 LINUX X86 英文正式版(開發工具軟體開發工具軟體)(DVD一片裝)
破解說明:安裝完成後,請將光碟 \DVTiSO 目錄下的d-MyEclipse-KeyMaker.jar檔案,
GENUITEC MYECLIPSE FOR SPRING v8.6 LINUX X86 英文正式版(開發工具軟體開發工具軟體)(DVD一片裝)
MyEclipse Blue Edition:WebSphere低價替代工具
MyEclipse and Pulse的開發公司Genuitec 宣佈今天發佈了一個新的產品:MyEclipse
Blue Edition,目標是IBM Rational Application Developer (RAD) 和 WebSphere開發。
隨著WebSphere Application Developer (WSAD)的技術支援結束,為了獲得WebSphere
6.1 server的新特性,所有的WebSphere用戶都會被要求升級他們的工具箱到IBM RAD──
MyEclipse Blue Edition 8.5 is the next generation of the MyEclipse
Blue Edition IDE for enterprise Java and web developers working
with the WebSphere 5, 6.x and now WebSphere 7.0 application server
platforms. This is the first release of MyEclipse Blue to support
the Linux platform. This release focuses heavily on enabling Team
Collaboration between MyEclipse developers as well as centralizing
software management of the entire workbench in a single cohesive
MyEclipse Configuration Center.
Built on the Eclipse 3.5.2 (Galileo SR2) and Genuitec Pulse Eclipse
Management and Runtime Services platforms, MyEclipse Blue Edition
8.5 provides hundreds of new and improved code development,
testing and deployment features.
As an affordable alternative to the Rational Application Developer
7.x, MyEclipe Blue Edition 8.5 focuses on improving developer
productivity by the simplifying development lifecycle in the
delivery of web, J2EE/JEE, JAX-RPC, JAX-WS, RESTful web services,
XML, JSP , JSF, Struts, Ajax, EJB3/JPA, Spring, Hibernate, UML,
enterprise reporting and database applications. MyEclipse Blue
Edition 8.5 is supported on the Windows and Linux platform.